For all of Winter’s perks, warm soups and chunky jumpers, it certainly has one major downside - cold and flu season. The good news is the human body is already well equipped to ward off infections if given the right support. The question then stands ‘what support is needed’? Naturopaths believe the best approach to healing is to support the body’s natural healing mechanisms, rather than those that work to interrupt or replace them. However, in some cases modern lifestyles work against us. For example, stress interrupts healthy immune system function and diets high in processed ‘convenience foods’, often leave us without adequate nutrition to fuel the frontline. However, with a little naturopathic know-how, you can use nutrition and home herbal medicine to get you and your family through Winter with fewer infections and less sick days.
By the time you feel the full-blown symptoms of a cold, it’s usually too late to do much to reduce its duration. After all, those symptoms that we associate with feeling unwell, such as a fever, are actually the body’s response to an infection, rather than the direct effect of the microscopic invaders themselves - this is a powerful reminder of the importance of preventative healthcare. Avoiding infections in the first place by strengthening your immune system is your best bet for staying well throughout Winter and luckily it’s an area where natural medicine really shines. Topping up on your dietary levels of vitamins A, C and zinc are the major considerations when it comes to fuelling your body for the months ahead. The simplest way to do this is by eating a varied diet rich in deeply coloured seasonal vegetables, such as pumpkin, sweet potato, beetroot, broccoli, chard and spinach. They are all available in the cooler months and provide good sources of necessary vitamins. For zinc, you’ll want to ensure a daily intake of raw nuts, seeds and ethically sourced meats.